As vaccinations continue to prove incapable of delivering on their promises, Ivermectin continues to offer people protection. This is particularly true and crucial for developing countries that genuinely want to save as many lives as possible.
Suppression of medicines Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin has been reported by many conservative media sites, including The Gateway Pundit (TGP).
TGP, in particular, has reported on India's amazing outcomes after integrating both medicines into their regimen.
Based on TGP's shared data collected by Johns Hopkins University - a private and major research university-despite having very high vaccination rates, Israel is suffering from increased numbers of COVID infections, while India, which has a low vaccination rate, is winning the battle against the virus, thanks to its use of Ivermectin.
Further data has been acquired, showing conclusive results in Africa.
Similarly, a graph produced by Johns Hopkins University revealed that between March 2 and August 1, countries in Africa that utilized Ivermectin had very few or almost zero fatalities during that time period.
However, in other parts of the continent that have chosen not to use Ivermectin, there has been a significant increase in the number of deaths caused by COVID viral infections.
As for the Asia-Pacific region, after seeing the promising outcomes from other countries, the Tokyo Medical Association issued a formal statement recommending that all doctors immediately begin treating COVID with Ivermectin.
But while numerous countries in the world are starting to figure out how to save lives by using a drug that is safe, approved, widely available, inexpensive, and that works better than the vaccine, the FDA in the U.S. has stated that the life-saving drug is dubious.
The FDA has reportedly designed a very sly campaign that misrepresents Ivermectin as a medicine for animals in order to defame it. The agency also uses an image of a horse on their website, implying that the drug is only fit for animals.
"FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans," reads a statement from the site. "... Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses)."
In response to this attempt to discredit Ivermectin's efficacy as a COVID prophylactic treatment, thereby saving lives, The Gateway Pundit made the following statement: "To clarify, Ivermectin has won the Nobel Prizefor medicine in 2015 and is on the WHO's list of essential medicines. Prescribed to over 3.5 Billion people, Ivermectin has one of the best and longest safety profiles in the history of medicine."
Another effective treatment
While Ivermectin has been gaining prominence in several Asia-Pacific and Indo-Pacific countries, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has begun opening up new monoclonal antibody therapy facilities in his state.
One America News Network cited him as saying, "We have now in Florida, 21 different sites providing early treatment for COVID with monoclonal antibodies."
The governor informed reporters that the introduction of new therapeutics has resulted in a significant reduction in hospital admissions and fatalities. He said that the vast majority of patients recover quickly from COVID and that over 40,000 people have been treated.
Early treatment, the governor believes, is as good as the vaccinations in eliminating the spread of the disease.
DeSantis has reportedly prohibited vaccine mandates and passports in Florida, claiming that such limitations on "personal and economic freedom" are unnecessary given the accessible COVID treatments.