Nationwide Evangelistic Campaign Held in Zambia, Over 150,000 Surrender Their Lives to Christ

Love Zambia Festival
Andrew Palau delivered a sermon during the Love Zambia Festival held in Lusaka, Sept. 13-15, 2024. |

The Luis Palau Association organized a nationwide evangelistic campaign in Zambia, bringing together over 4,900 churches across denominational lines to reach approximately 731,000 people in five cities. This organization is an international evangelistic group named after the world-renowned evangelist Luis Palau, originally from Argentina, and is headquartered in Oregon, USA.

The nationwide evangelistic campaign, known as the Love Zambia Festival, trained tens of thousands of Christians and connected with hundreds of thousands of individuals with the message of Jesus Christ, culminating in a large-scale three-day festival held in the capital city of Lusaka.

The five-month campaign included various gatherings throughout the region, spreading the Gospel in different settings such as local prisons, medical and eyeglass clinics, a women’s dinner gala, sports clinics, school outreach programs, and events for business and civic leaders. 

At the Mwembeshi Correctional Facility, Palau shared the Gospel with 1,600 inmates, and 1,098 responded by surrendering their lives to Christ.

The outreach efforts culminated in a three-day festival at the National Heroes Stadium from September 13 to 15. During the Love Zambia Festival, over 374,900 people were reached in person with the message of the Gospel, leading to more than 154,600 individuals making a personal commitment to Jesus Christ.

The festival featured performances by artists such as Don Moen, Pompi, Ephraim, Mag 44, Temwani, and Nathan Nyirenda. Alongside the musical acts, the family-friendly event included a children's area with carnival rides, bounce houses, and a special Gospel program for kids, as well as action sports demonstrations featuring The Stunt Dudes.

Andrew Palau, the Son of Luis Palau emphasized the message each night from the main stage, encouraging attendees to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Local believers, trained by the Palau team, offered counseling and follow-up support to each new believer at the festival. Bibles for the World contributed significantly by providing 310,000 Gospels of John and 30,000 New Testaments in three languages to support new believers in their faith journey.

In addition to the campaign in Lusaka, Andrew and his wife Wendy Palau invited over 60 partner evangelists from 11 countries—linked with Palau's Global Network of Evangelists—to help spread the Gospel in surrounding areas.

With the cooperation of thousands of local churches, they organized additional evangelistic festivals and gatherings in Kalulushi, Mufulira, Chingola, and Ndola. The broader Love Zambia campaign successfully reached an additional 356,534 individuals in person, with 66,070 choosing to follow Christ.

Beyond the in-person events in Zambia, the team also utilized targeted social media ads to share the message of Jesus. This digital strategy allowed more than 100,000 people to be reached with Gospel ads throughout Zambia, with 20,000 indicating decisions for Jesus Christ.

Overall, organizers estimate that more than 731,000 people were directly reached with the Gospel, with over 240,000 expressing a commitment to Jesus Christ. 

As local leaders begin the follow-up and discipleship process with new believers, the Palau Association plans to support similar campaigns in cities around the globe, with upcoming events scheduled in countries such as Argentina, China, the Dominican Republic, and Nevada.