Archbishop of Nigeria urges Church of England followers to disassociate themselves from those Church leaders who have penetrated the Anglican Communion with impious teachings. It arose after the Church of England Synod decided to support same-sex marriage.
Violating Resolution 1.10 of Lambeth 1998
The Church of Nigeria stays faithful to the faith previously bequeathed to the saints. It reaffirms its resolve to redefine what it means to be a member of the Anglican Communion, as stated in Chapter 1:3 of their 2020 Constitution and Canons. When the Episcopal Church of America and Canada violated Resolution 1.10 of Lambeth 1998 by consecrating Gay Bishops and acknowledging the blessing of same-sex marital partnerships, the authorities neglected to call for order and discipline.
As mentioned, this choice to redefine marriage contrary to the teachings of the Bible and the proposal to use gender-neutral or inclusive terminology when referring to God are blatant departures from the truth. The depth of God's unfathomable truth and power, as well as His person, is incomprehensible using human language. They all demonstrate the human mind's foolishness in challenging the authority of God, who created man and woman. By making this judgment, the Church of England is arguing with God.
They had previously remained neutral as the crisis tore Communion apart. In the global Anglican Communion, they have reportedly failed to operate as "Defenders of the Faith" and "Instruments of Unity." The Church of England's recent decision did not surprise discerning minds since it is the inevitable conclusion of the continuous and laborious road they have followed for the past decade.
Church of England Votes For Same-sex Couples
The Church of England agreed on Thursday, Feb. 9, to offer blessings to same-sex couples, but clergy members still have the option not to use the prayers, and the church will continue to uphold its ban on same-sex marriage. The vote came after two days of contentious debate inside the church. The vote took place during a gathering of the General Synod, the church's governing body. Before the vote, the approach to the compromise was described in various ways, including as a breakthrough, a poor settlement, or an outright blunder.
According to the Church of England, same-sex couples won't be able to get married in the church. However, they can "attend church after a civil marriage or partnership to give thanks, commit their relationship to God, and receive God's blessing." The language of the resolution that was passed opens with a sobering acknowledgment, in which the synod's members say they "lament and repent" the historical injustice done to LGBTQI+ persons by the Church of England in that it failed to embrace them. This is the first line of the motion that was passed. After observing a minute of silence and offering some prayers, the General Synod of the church cast their vote.
Sodeinde cautioned that the synod's decision could lead to an exodus of churches in Africa and Asia, where attitudes on same-sex partnerships may differ significantly from those prevalent in the United Kingdom. She urged church leaders to learn more about the opinions of those regions in preparation for another vote this summer.
Related Article:Church of England's General Synod Meets to Address Same-Sex Proposals; Archbishop Urges Unity