The parents of a 5-month-old boy named Zayn who was successfully saved by the New York City Police last August 5 say they were "blessed by God".
Faithwire reported that the boy's father, Sean Echevarria, expressed his gratitude to the police officers who saved his young son's life: New York City Police Officers Reis, Bates, and Keller.
"We're super grateful that we ran into you guys when we did and that we were able to save this little kid's life," Echevarria said to the police officers.
"Thanks to you guys, we really lucked out. We really were blessed by God in that moment," he added.
The couple was visited by the said police officers weeks after the incident to check on little Zayn. New York City Police Chief Juanita Holmes posted the video on the said visit on Monday.
"When 5 month old Zayn Echevarria was choking, he needed medical attention right away. Thankfully officers from the @NYPD84Pct were on scene to help. Our officers learn CPR for moments like this & their training saved little Zayn's life," Holmes said.
In the video on the visit, Echavarria shared that the experience have taught him of the need for having a game plan during such emergency situations and urged parents to do the same.
"My message to parents is to have a game plan. Having gone through this experience, I know now in terms of how I should react in such emergency situations," Echavarria stated.
Echavarria's wife, Raina Enand, seconded on the importance of having a game plan because during such moments one might experience mental block. Enand revealed that she and Echavarria had previously watched videos on CPR trainig but when the incident happened her mind went blank. She said such situations require "a level of calmness to properly react in the situation."
When 5 month old Zayn Echevarria was choking, he needed medical attention right away. Thankfully officers from the @NYPD84Pct were on scene to help. Our officers learn CPR for moments like this & their training saved little Zayn's life. pic.twitter.com/9NGcpIFMQS
"” Chief Juanita Holmes (@NYPDChiefPatrol) August 16, 2021
According to the New York City Police Chief when the incident happened, Rodney Harrison, the three police officers where investigating a burglary in the Brooklyn area when they were told of an unconscious child in need of assistance.
"While investigating a burglary yesterday afternoon, Police Officers Reis, Bates, and Keller were informed by a passerby that a father was holding an unconscious 5-month-old," Harrison said in Twitter on August 7.
Harrison's post included a video that showed one of the officers holding the infant face down on his palm as he tapped the back softly in an attempt to resuscitate him. Simultaneously, the officers were interviewing Echavarria if the child was "choking" or "was he eating anything." The officer continuously rubbed the infant's back until he finally became conscious and murmured.
The video also showed a photo of the infant on a hospital bed with his parents and surrounded by the police officers who saved him.
Harrison was quick to praise his deputies for their heroism on that day, giving a spotlight on their quick response and action in a succeeding tweet.
"The officers immediately sprung into action and began to render aid to the infant until further medical assistance arrived. These officer's actions helped save the infant's life and he has made a full recovery. Keep up the excellent work and stay safe!" Harrison commended.
Faithwire highlighted that Officer Reis came home "so emotional" that day because of the incident that he hugged his wife and daughter.