Investigation of the Planned Parenthood facilities in Ohio revealed that the companies to which the fetal remains were sent disposed them in landfills, which was in clear violation of the state laws, according to an official report released by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine.
Probes into the practices at Planned Parenthood were launched in many states including Ohio, after Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group, released videos showing procurement of fetal body parts for profit.
A few months ago, DeWine requested Charitable Law Section to inquire into the matter, which in turn asked for documents and financial records from Planned Parenthood outlets and the companies which took fetal body parts from them. The investigation did not find evidence of buying and selling of the body parts.
However, the investigations exposed another violation of state rules which prohibit fetuses to be disposed in landfills.
"Disposing of aborted fetuses from an abortion by sending them to a landfill is callous and completely inhumane," DeWine said in a news release. "It is important the public be aware that these practices are taking place at these Ohio facilities."
The Attorney General's office state that all of the Planned Parenthood clinics sent fetal body parts to companies that disposed them in landfills.
Also, the probe found contradictory statements from Planned Parenthood facility in Bedford Heights and the company it claims to have contracted for disposal of fetuses. The clinic said it has only used one company to dispose of fetal remains, but the company said they do not accept fetus or body parts for disposal as a matter of corporate policy.
Stephanie Kight, President and CEO of Greater Ohio Planned Parenthood, dismissed the claims that the organization is disposing the fetal tissues illegally.
"These new allegations by the attorney general that we are improperly disposing of fetal tissue are flat-out false. Planned Parenthood handles medical tissue like any other quality health care provider," she said. "Our agreements with vendors all require them to follow state law, and dispose of tissue accordingly. If they are not, then I will take swift action," Kight said in a statement.
Planned Parenthood said that the investigators did not inform them of their findings before releasing the report.
"This is simply not true. Planned Parenthood has contracts with vendors to handle fetal tissue in a respectful manner and in accordance with the law," a Facebook statement of the group said. "It is irresponsible for the AG to say otherwise."
Many states have tried to cease funding to Planned Parenthood after the release of undercover videos by CMP. Planned Parenthood maintained that they are not involved in illegal selling of the body parts, and have resisted sanctions on Medicaid funding.