Following the turmoil that erupted during a Loudoun County Public Schools meeting held earlier this week, the LCPS school board has decided to review the rules governing public comments in future meetings. This week's meeting was attended by over 250 angry parents who are accusing the school of teaching critical race theory and transgenderism to young students. Many of them are calling for the resignation of several woke Loudoun County School Board members.
According to Yahoo! News, the Loudoun County School Board has decided to review its meeting rules "to make sure the public is heard in a safe, respectful manner" after chaos ensued during the Tuesday gathering in which two individuals were arrested. Parents were up in arms and calling for the resignation of the Loudoun County School Board over critical race theory in the classroom, when they continued to deny.
"As the superintendent and School Board members have said, repeatedly, Critical Race Theory is not part of the curriculum being taught to the students of Loudoun County Public Schools," LCPS spokesman Wayde Byard said. But parents are not convinced.
"It's abusive and discriminates against one's color," Shawntel Cooper declared during an LCPS school board meeting last month, as reported by CBN News.
While the LCPS insists that critical race theory isn't being taught in the classroom, it does have "work on equity," a professional development program for school staff to enable them to recognize the "social and cultural differences in our diverse student body," CNN reported.
A white high school student reported that he was rejected from the Ambassador Equity Program, one of LCPS' equity groups for being white. This, ironically, from a school that reports high rates of Black success. According to Bacon's Rebellion, while the woke Loudoun County School Board declares itself to be "systemically anti-Black," records show high rates of excellence among Black students.
The report reveals that the on time graduation rates for Black students is 97%, the highest in Virginia, while "Loudoun Black math SOL scores were six points higher than the state average." Data also showed that Black students outperformed their white counterparts in Algebra 1 SOLs in up to 10 of Loudoun's 17 middle schools. Virginia's stage average of Black chronic absenteeism was 22% and in Loudoun data showed only half the state average. Black kids thrived in LCPS.
Yet, LCPS insists on teaching divisive critical race theory and transgenderism, forcing staff and students to call other students by their preferred pronouns. CBN News reported how Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel spoke out against the school saying, "They are emotionally abusing our children by perpetuating the lie about gender confusion when they affirm pronouns that are contrary to biology, reality and the beautiful design of God. They need to be held accountable."
"As they see this liberal progressive agenda infiltrating our school system, the parents should rise up," Hamrick added, encouraging parents to call for the resignation of the woke Loudoun County School Board members.