Pastor W. Seth Martin, the founding pastor of the 'Brook Community Church,' leads in peaceful and powerful protest after George Floyd's death with many Christians in Minneapolis.
Understanding an individual's emotions, Pastor Martin steps out to discuss and explain how to protest in a correct way. Floyd's death, which occurred during an arrest on Memorial Day, has prompted the protests, as well as rioting, over the issues of police brutality and racial disparities in criminal justice.
According to BP News, Martin estimates about 90 percent of protestors chant, sit and march peacefully, while only a handful loot, burn and destroy others' property.
"We've been down at the protests, and we were protesting peacefully, praying, engaging in conversations with one another, and with some other pastors who joined us," Martin said. "It was especially meaningful for us to get together and talk through some of these issues, together."
"We're praying that God answers our prayers, God brings us peace, God brings His love, God brings His justice," said Reinertson, adding they would pray that "God brings His Kingdom, God rescues people from their selfishness and sin, God brings people to the reality of who they are in their situation," that God would bring "massive healing to that Floyd family," and for "racial healing."
"I'm going to be with Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit and His angels protecting," Reinertson said, "and my brothers ... in Christ of all ethnicities. We're going to be together; we're not going to be alone."
Pastor Martin calls the peaceful protest as his own calling and tries to make the best actions for George Floyd. Engaging with many Christians in Minneapolis, he reaches out for prayer and a sermon regarding encouragement, pain, and learning how to cope with George Floyd's awful death.
"The hardest thing for me has been how do I contain my raw emotions, and simultaneously not mismanage what God has called me to be and what Jesus has put me on the earth to do."
"It was amazing to see and hear people confess their own biases and repent to God of them. If we're going to change a system, it starts with us dealing with our own sin. Reconciliation and Reform start with Repentance." -(W. Seth Martin Facebook)
"Praying for those facing co-workers today who don't know (or care) how emotionally exhausted black people are from the last 7 days. Be graceful but you don't feel guilty for setting boundaries. To my white brothers and sisters, be encouraging but don't try to explain away our pain; and understand we may not have it in us to be engaging right now." -(W. Seth Martin Facebook)