Pope Francis issued a call for Catholics on Tuesday to serve as global peacemakers by 'disarming their hearts.'
'Disarm Your Hearts, Serve As Peacemakers'
In a report by the Catholic News Agency (CNA), the pope argued that 'peace is never violent,' which is why Catholics must see that their way to achieve peace is done without aggressive behavior.
"Peace is not achieved by conquering or defeating someone, it is never violent," Francis explained before saying the Angelus on the day global Catholics celebrate known and unknown saints of the Church.
He argued that individuals seeking peace should learn to 'demilitarize or disarm the heart.'
"The seed of peace calls for the demilitarization of the field of the heart," Francis told the crowd gathered at St. Peter's Square on Nov. 1, All Saints' Day. He added that someone who wishes to serve as a peacemaker must "disarm the heart."
"We are all equipped with aggressive thoughts and sharp words, and we think to defend ourselves with the barbed wire of complaint and the concrete walls of indifference," Francis said.
The pope further explained that 'peace must be built, and like any construction it requires effort, collaboration, patience.' Francis then quoted the Beatitudes: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
"In fact, the Beatitudes of Jesus, which are the identity card of saints, show the complete opposite: they speak of a life that is countercultural and revolutionary!" the CNA quoted Francis saying.
The pontiff also warned sternly about creating "a misleading impression."
The pope explained that the Catholic faithful worldwide might wrongly interpret that the Church 'celebrates those sisters and brothers who in life were perfect.'
Call for Introspection
Pope Francis added that Catholics must introspect to be successful at facilitating peace.
"Are we peacemakers? In the places where we live, study and work, do we bring tension, words that hurt, gossip that poisons, controversy? Or do we open up the way to peace: Do we forgive those who have offended us, do we care for those who are at the margins, do we redress some injustice by helping those who have less? This is building peace," the pope instructed Catholics to ask themselves.
Francis also addressed the faithful, who may question whether it is worthwhile treading a pacifist path.
He said Christ has assured the faithful peacemakers shall be called 'God's children.' Francis explained that while the world may see these peacemakers as "out of place," they will be treated as "closest to God, the most like Him" when they reach heaven.
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
The pontiff also took his time to pray for peace in Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia.
Francis closed his Nov. 1 message by invoking the Virgin Mary, whom he calls "Queen of all saints," to intercede and help Catholics become 'peacemakers in their daily lives.'
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