Religious Freedom In Danger In Indonesia

Indonesian church torn down

Indonesian church torn down
(Photo : World Watch Monitor )
Indonesian church torn down

On Tuesday, at the British Parliament, in his report, Indonesia: Pluralism in Peril,B Benedict Rogers, the East Asia team leader for Christian Solidarity Worldwide announced that announced that Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, is a place of great religious persecution towards religious minorities such as Christians.

Indonesia is currently approaching its presidential election season. Rogers told reporters that though he acknowledges the nation's achievements as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state. However, he urged that the new president of Indonesia must make efforts to retain religious harmony in his country, for the Muslims have failed to do so.

Indonesia's constitution officially recognizes Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and Confucianism. However, most minority religions have faced a great deal of intolerance by the Muslim majority, particularly Catholics and Protestants.

There are instances when churches are shut down the moment they have been built. Rogers reported that Islamic organizations and government parties have carried out such actions of persecution, including the president, Bambang. The culprits behind persecutors have received relatively light penalties and such as four to five months in prison.
Rogers also stated in his report at the English Parliament that there have been many recent attempts to criminalize minority religions by charging fabricated criminal offences. He urged moderate Indonesian Muslim to help discourage extremism and intolerance.