The Christian organization Family Foundation of Virginia was reportedly denied service by Richmond's Metzger Bar & Butchery. Fox News reported that the restaurant said that it had always refused service to people who made their personnel feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
The restaurant claims that the act was apparently for the dignity and a safe work environment of its staff. The cancellation apparently happened one and a half hours before the event took place through a phone call by one of the restaurant owners. The article said that the restaurant is co-owned by TV chef Brittany Anderson of "Top Chef" and "Chopped."
Family Foundation of Virginia Service Denial
The President of the group, Victoria Cobb, said that they were shocked and felt that "no Christian can eat" in the establishment. She added that what happened is "religious discrimination." Cobb alleged that the restaurant owner is only deferring the blame to the restaurant staff, saying that it is irresponsible.
Cobb also said that even if employees are discriminatory, restaurants should not be allowed to discriminate. The president also posted online, talking about the experience, saying that it was the "double standard of the left." On the blog of the foundation, they said that the situation was akin to what happened in the 1950s to 1960s when people were historically denied food service due to race.
It also talked about the Respect for Marriage Act which it called as the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act that was recently passed by the U.S. Senate. It added that there were Republican senators who spoke to them who voted favorably to the act, saying that the senators provided "empty rhetoric."
Fortunately for the group, they apparently had plenty of offers after the cancellation and were able to proceed with their event.
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Family Foundation
According to the Family Foundation page, it is a 'non-profit, non-partisan, faith-based organization.' It says that it advocates on policies based on Biblical principles that to help them flourish at every level. It also works with various organizations all other the country such as the Focus on the Family and Family Policy Alliance.
It is the biggest and oldest pro-family advocacy organization in Virginia.
The foundation said that it is its mission to preserve and promote the families in Virginia as it is "God's foundation upon which all free and thriving societies are built."
As for the core principles of the organization, it says that it values human life from fertilization until natural death. It also believes in the definition of marriage as a lifelong union between a man and a woman. As for gender, it believes that there are only two of them that are biological and social realities that should be respected by all.
For these, the organization advocates for legislation, hold elected officials accountable, inspire pastors, train individuals, and pray for the people in authority and the culture.
Victoria Cobb
Victoria Cobb has been the president of the organization for 17 years together with her work at the Founding Freedoms Law Center. According to the organization's page, she is also the spokesperson for the organization.
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