"Live Action" Founder Lila Rose is hopeful that Roe v. Wade's days are "absolutely numbered," according to a report.
CBN News interviewed Rose who is optimistic that legalized abortion will soon be a thing of the past because of the there is now a "precedent" that "establishes the personhood" of preborn children.
"I think that Roe v. Wade's days are absolutely numbered, it's bad law, built on bad premises, it falsely dehumanizes the child and pretended the child didn't exist, and I think with the new Supreme Court it's going to be a matter of time before it's overruled and there's a new precedent in town that establishes the personhood of the pre-born child, but up until then we've got plenty of work to do," Rose revealed.
Rose said in the interview that Planned Parenthood's "political connections and established history" has enabled them now to barter and sell "the body parts of the children they kill" for $12,000 while "getting over half a billion dollars in taxpayer money". Rose cited the documentation done by "David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress" that exposes the "horrific sale of children" Planned Parenthood executives do.
Yet despite this, CBN News said, the growing network of Live Action is a good indicator that the tide will return turn soon. Although Rose said in the interview that there is really much work to do.
Live Action now has "the most engaged online following of any pro-life organization in the world." This translates to "over 1.2 billion lifetime video views," "over 5 million followers," and "a weekly reach of 14-18 million people." CBS News explained that Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood through Live Action being its former member.
Live Action has become famous despite Rose being constantly bashed by pro-choice groups. Last January, Rose was called a "terrorist" by Leah Torres on Twitter for saying that "abortion is violence." Torres, a notorious abortionist renowned for agitating pro-lifers through social media, reacted to the tweet Rose posted on January 7. Torres marked Rose's tweet as a "violent rhetoric," that led to an online discussion between pro-lifers and pro-choice netizens.
Now that Rose is a mother herself, CBS News said she is more passionate than ever to fight for life than when she began Live Action at the age of 15 after chancing upon a book on abortion in her parents' room. Rose has now released her own book, "Fighting For Life," that speaks of how one can join in the battle against abortion to save lives. CBS News highlighted that the book helps readers realize that God can use any one at any age to make a difference in the world based on Rose's own experience with Live Action.
"I talk about this in the book because the mission, I think, ultimately within the mission, is--family. I'm so privileged and grateful to have my own family now, marrying my husband, having my first son, and the joy that comes from that and the conviction that is even stronger from that, I think serves the pro-life mission," she disclosed to CBN News.
Speaking of mission, Rose previously urged churches to join the fight against abortion in her book. She stressed that the answer to abortion is "you." She called on all Christians to make a stand and act and not just pray or complain about what's happening. She suggested the creation of pro-life ministries in the church as a stepping stone against "the battle that's raging."