An all-time high of 71% of the American population says yes to legal same-sex marriage as revealed by the latest Gallup's annual Values and Beliefs poll that was conducted last month.
Hardly a quarter, specifically 27%, was supportive of the said union back in 1996 when the first poll Gallup conducted on same-sex marriage was conducted Twenty-six years later, almost 75% of Americans who did not give their support have changed their minds and are now pro-advocates.
One percent of the population was added from the recent year's percentage giving 2022 the highest public support for legalizing same-sex marriage.
It was only in 2011 when support hit the majority level and in 2015 when it reached 60%, a month before the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision for Obergefell v. Hodges, a civil rights case guaranteeing same-sex couples the fundamental right to marry.
Increase of Support From Americans Going To Church Weekly
When reading Gallup's trends from 2004 to present, it states that most Americans who have always been in support of gay marriage are those rarely seen in church or never attend at all.
In opposition, the majority of the 39% who are left to be against gay marriage are those that attend church every week. Though it is important to note that 40% of American churchgoers, versus the against at 58%, are already giving all-out support to the union, putting them in the range of 39% to 44% of the total population who are pro-advocates since 2016, as Gallup recorded.
Also Read: More Than Half of Anglicans Believe Same-Sex Marriage is 'Right': Survey
Same-Sex Marriage Okay As Long As Sex Not Involved
In a recent article published here at Christian Daily, Dr. Christopher Yuan, a former homosexual professor from the Moody Bible Institute and author of the best-selling book "Out Of A Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey To God, A Broken Mother's Search For Hope," openly expressed his disappointment on the widely popular belief that same-sex attraction only becomes a sin when acted upon, making gay marriage not sinful as long as sex isn't involved.
Can this controversial belief be the reason for the growing increase of support for legalizing same-sex marriage even from the churchgoers' demographics?
According to Professor Yuan, there are a lot who has been calling same-sex relationship minus the sex other than what is. Sometimes it's just "friendship". Sometimes "covenanted life-long spiritual friendship". He instated that marriage without sex, but between two people of the same gender, is still sin, emphasizing that "Biblical sexuality is black and white."
Related Article: Max Lucado Apologizes For His 'Hurtful' Sermon On Same-Sex Marriage, Says LGBTQ Individuals Are God's Children