Among all of the lead characters in "The Big Bang Theory," the only one whose last name still remains a mystery is Penny, so there might be a chance that her character is biologically related to one of her friends, with the exception of her soon-to-be husband Leonard Hofstadter, of course!
According to Movie Pilot, show creator Chuck Lorre has earlier revealed that Penny's last name is actually Barrington, but the fact that the last name has not been mentioned throughout the entire eight seasons of the show opens up an exciting new plotline surrounding Penny.
Another area of great interest is the relationship between Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, who broke up from each other during the season eight finale. Amy became upset that all Sheldon cared about was his TV show, causing her to storm out of his apartment and evaluate their relationship.
In the end, she called Sheldon via Skype and said that she needed more time to think things through and asked for a break. In an unexpected twist, Sheldon pulls out a ring from his drawer, talks to the Gollum figurine on his table, and asks just what he is supposed to do now with the ring.
Fans cheered at the fact that Sheldon is finally going to propose to Amy, but the actress who plays Amy, Mayim Bialik, told them to hold their horses.
"We don't really know what the story is with that ring," Bialik said. "And I think that's something I had to remember as an actor. We don't know what he was planning to do with it. We don't know if it was something he got from his mother. We don't know what the process was by which he acquired that and what he would think to do with it."
"People want to jump to all sorts of conclusions, because it's super exciting to do so and they love these characters and they know them. But the neat thing about our show... and Jim and my character's relationship is that anything can happen. And I think the finale was proof of that," she added.
There were some fans who were quite upset that Amy broke up with Sheldon via Skype, but the actress defended the move, saying it was completely appropriate for both Sheldon and Amy, who have been very comfortable using it as a means of communication.
"The Big Bang Theory" Season 9 will return to CBS in September.