The release date for the sequel of one of the most highly anticipated animated films, The Incredibles 2, was announced to be set for the summer of 2016. The upcoming movie, which will be released in 3D, is reportedly directed by Brad Bird who also brought to life the superhero family in 2004, according to Christian Times.
Despite the announcement, no further details were released with regard the plot of the sequel. However, the lack of information did not deter fans to speculate on possible storylines to be explored in the second installment. Many fans of the franchise believe that Bob and Helen might be quitting the superhero business, which would push their children into the center stage. In fact, the revelation of Jack Jack's powers at the end of the first film as well as the desire of the family to harness the abilities of Dash might serve as hints for the upcoming movie.
With regard the villains, Syndrome is touted to exact revenge from the superhero family. Although he appears to be the most reasonable villain to include in the sequel, many believe that it will be quite challenging to explain his survival following the crash and burn of his aircraft in the first movie. The Underminer might be part of the next film but fans think that his abilities are too weak for him to become the main villain in the sequel.
In an earlier interview with Screen Rant, Bird further asserted that he has been working hard to come up with new and exciting ideas for the sequel of the franchise. "I have been thinking about it. People think that I have not been, but I have. Because I love those characters and love that world. I am stroking my chin and scratching my head. I have many, many elements that I think would work really well in another [Incredibles] film, and if I can get 'em to click all together, I would probably wanna do that," he shared when asked about the status of the second installment.
Furthermore, Bird revealed that he appreciated "the idea of moving a little more quickly in films." The director and writer of numerous blockbuster movies shared that he keeps "looking for ways to accelerate the pace a little bit and figure out a way to keep creative control over these movies," which would bring him to a level where he is "comfortable with the end result but also speed them up a bit and make more of them."
"I have many different films I wanna make," he admitted during the said interview. "It's like a big airplane hangar and I have different projects on the floor; half-assembled in my brain. I'm interested in all of them. You kind of have to move on the ones people are willing to pay for and the ones you're most excited about," Bird explained his decision to prioritize some films over others already in queue.
Bird also directed the first installment of The Incredibles franchise in 2004. Apart from reportedly working on the sequel of the said film, he is also slated to direct two upcoming movies, Tomorrowland and 1906. Bird was widely recognized for his previous works such as Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol in 2011, Ratatouille in 2007, and The Iron Giant in 1999. He was commended for his work as part of the animation team for hit TV series such as The Simpsons and Rugrats. Meanwhile, some of his Pixar related works include Monsters University, Brave, Toy Story 3, and Up.