On July 26, Evangelist, Todd White live-streamed a message where he explained how he has gone through a season of painful pruning over the past months.
While one goes through trials and tribulations, Todd reminds and repents that all human beings are sinners. As the video went viral, many prayers have been requested for his emotional healing as Todd White repents of not preaching the whole gospel.
"I am not perfect, but I am strongly convicted! I feel like I just met Jesus again! There's just this rekindled thing inside of me! This has been the hardest season of my life! I'm like, "Lord! What are you doing!?"
"I saw this when I got saved. And for some reason, it's taken me 16 years to explain it!
"I feel like I've just seen something completely brand new! What I won't ever do is take the miraculous out of the gospel! It's a miracle that I can come to Jesus through all my junk and all my sin and he says, "Not guilty!" That's a miracle!"
Todd expresses that he has been struggling and it took him 16 Years for him to realize the importance of preaching the law of God.
"Here's the deal. One day you and I are going to all face the Lord. It's the truth! Are you guys with me? Is this too much? I've been going through it, buddy! I've been in a new place to bring the reality of the law into a witness, to show a person their need for grace."
"This is hard for me! Because I feel like I haven't preached the whole gospel! And I repent! I repent! You have no idea! I will not be responsible! I believe that when I preach that the blood of people is on my hands!"
The moment the video went viral, many believers began keeping Todd White in their prayers as they hope for emotional healing and support within the church community.
"Please pray for Todd White! We are obviously very encouraged by Todd's change of direction in this area, and pray that this is sincere and not just a response to pressure."
"Please keep in your prayer that Todd will continue down this path and repent of his teaching about the kenotic Christ, sinless perfection, the "value gospel," leg-lengthening, and other Word of Faith beliefs related to God's will and healing in this life."