Christians in Afghanistan, who are afraid of torture and death via the hands ot the Taliban, are appealing to the global Christian community to be their voice during this crisis in the country.
This was relayed by Mission Network News, which also said that Taliban insurgents in Kabul were looking for and killing anybody who cooperated with the US.
"It's dire. We've seen the Taliban in the past, we know what they do," said Rex Rogers from SAT-7 USA, Middle East and North Africa satellite TV ministry.
The Taliban now controls approximately half of Afghanistan's districts, and they have taken over provincial capitals and the country's capital city.
Some Afghan Christians were reportedly reaching out to SAT-7 via social media, while others phone in to get "encouragement and prayer" from the station. An overwhelming number of people attempted to leave the nation but were prevented from doing so by the authorities. Multiple death threats have also been sent to some.
"They are connecting; our Dari-speaking Christian counselors are responding to them as best they can. Sometimes they're asking us for information and help, [asking questions like] 'how do I get out of here?'," said Rogers
Afghan believers often tune in to SAT-7 PARS because their native language, Dari, is quite close to Farsi, which is the language used all across Iran. In addition to providing vital information, the channel also offers spiritual support.
As part of an ongoing effort to address the issue, SAT-7 PARS is broadcasting a "special live broadcast" that will include Christian voices from Afghanistan and lead viewers in prayers.
On all of its broadcasts and social media channels, SAT-7 PARS has also flashed 'emergency crawling text" over viewers' screens, calling Persian-speaking viewers to prayer. Christians who speak Arabic and Turkish throughout the Middle East and North Africa have also responded to the prayer requests.
"As Christians, we are in real danger," said an unnamed SAT-7 PARS viewer. "Sadly, in the past two to three days, my family and I have received death threats. In this emergency situation, I have no other way but to escape from the country. Please be our voice; please help us to be heard so that we can flee from this hell as soon as possible."
Afghanistan Ministry Profile
According to the Voice of the Martyrs, the Gospel of Christ arrived in Afghanistan around the second century. Social and religious resistance to the gospel, as well as major security concerns, continue to be hurdles for all mission activities in the country. Similarly, extreme Islam and aggressive tribal political groups make it tough and risky for Christians to exercise their faith in the country.
Despite this, there is a particular solidarity among Christians working in Afghanistan. Indigenous, near-culture, and expatriate Christians are courageously taking risks and seizing every chance to encourage believers to grow in faith and to connect with house churches.
Although church growth has been sluggish, substantial Christian growth has happened among the Hazara people, and some members of other groups are also beginning to know Christ.
Currently, 99.8% of Afghans are Muslims, with 90% of Sunnis and nearly 10% of Shia.