Lion of Judah Ministries, a non-denominational ministry, illustrated in a video how the devil uses a specific strategy to ensnare and imprison individuals in sin.
The Bible has a wealth of information regarding what to anticipate during the end times. However, there is one that most Christians today tend to overlook. It is the passage in the Bible that talks about Christians falling into apostasy. This happens when they steadily deteriorate into having a "seared conscience."
On Oct. 24, the Lion of Judah Ministries (LJM) released a video focusing on what the Bible refers to as a "seared conscience." Given the world's seeming loss of moral and spiritual discipline, this subject is particularly pertinent today.
"A seared conscience is the worst place for a Christian to be," states the opening citing 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
"If you were never a part of the faith, if you always belonged to the world, if you were always an unbeliever you cannot depart from the faith because you were never in the faith," explains the LJM.
"This passage of scripture is referring to those who are in the faith but at some point, they leave the faith because of two things: seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, and then the result of this is that they have seared consciences."
"Conscience," as the ministry described it, looks like the following:
"If you still have your heart judging you over sin anytime you fall, it is because you still have your conscience alive," it says. "The activeness of our conscience is determined by the level of our submission to its judgment and corrections."
"If your conscience judges you about certain misconduct and you quickly repent and ask God for mercy, your consciousness and sensitivity to sin will be enhanced," it added.
Conscience, on the other hand, is at the mercy of man's free will. A man may choose whether or not to listen to his conscience.
"But the more rebellious you are to the voice of your conscience, the more weakened it will grow. A persistent rebellion to the voice of your conscience will lead to a seared conscience," it added.
The ministry then mentioned previous controversies involving high-profile pastors implicated in sexual abuse scandals as examples of seared conscience.
It went on to say that this happens when a known sin, which first makes a believer feel awful, is indulged until the believer's conscience is no longer disturbed by it.
"The devil is ready at all costs to destroy the conscience of humanity and especially in these last days," warned LJM. "He is really working hard at it. Haven't you seen how the world glamorizes sexual immorality, fornication, and adultery? The devil wants to portray these things as normal, but the bible tells us to clearly flee from sexual immorality."
Thus, the Lion of Judah Ministries counseled Christians to never get complacent in sin, regardless of how little it may seem. This is because "Satan never puts all his eggs in one basket," it states. Once he gains control of one stronghold, he will go out and seize another.
Watch Lion of Judah Ministries' video "Before The Second Coming of Christ, This Will Happen To So Many People" below: