A pastor from Udall, Kansas raised the need to regularly check the emotional health of one's church.
Heritage Church Pastor Jack Wellman, an author and church planter, wrote an article in Faith In The News on the five signs or indicators of what makes a church emotionally-healthy. Wellman is a former pastor of Central Christian Church in Lincoln, Kansas and has written man books on Christianity.
First off, Wellman said there should be no "hair triggers," which happens when people can't talk about something out of fear of offending or getting someone else angry. Wellman cited an incident involving a church member who once told him of an incident involving a lady whose family was using the church.
The church member said she found the church kitchen and fellowship a mess so she called on the lady. The lady happened to use the said areas but did not clean it up afterward. The church member said the lady was not happy for being called on the matter and snapped back at her that it would be taken care of. Eventually, the lady became afraid of being jumped on and has become hesitant to speak on anything.
The second sign of a healthy church is an environment filled with grace. Wellman highlighted his church as an example. He said his church is special because it is it welcomes everyone--from the disabled to former prisoners.
"The last thing we'd ever do is judge someone for their past. We don't trip over what's behind us and what's in the past for others is just that; it's in the past. An emotionally healthy church accepts people from all walks of life and in all situations, regardless of their past," Wellman said.
Now, the third sign of an emotionally-healthy church could be seen in the churchgoers' hunger for truth. The pastor elaborated that worshippers must exhibit a hunger for the Word of God in every aspect of their lives such that Jesus is the most precious in their lives.
Wellman went on to contrast this with churchgoers who attend Sunday worship only to revert to their cellphones whenever the sermon or announcements are given. He pointed out that Jesus is their priority over any object in their life since they are able to forego addictions such as playing Candy Crush, texting, surfing the Internet, and reading the latest in Facebook.
Alongside a hunger for the Word of God, the fourth sign could be seen in the churchgoer's eagerness to serve. Wellman stressed that an emotionally-healthy church has a big chunk of members who are eager to serve based on biblical teachings. He explained that churchgoers are well aware that the Christians are commissioned to serve in the Body of Christ in addition to evangelizing others.
This service is based on what Jesus would be doing if He was still alive today. He cited Matthew 25:40, which speaks of serving others for the sake of Christ and Matthew 25:45, which reveals whatever one does for "the least of these" is done for Christ.
Finally, the last sign is seen in having a Christocentric Church. Wellman said that a church whose focus is on other things and not on Christ, especially as the center of their worship, is not an emotionally healthy church. He reminded that Christ should be the one worshippers must focus on and no one or thing else.
"An emotionally healthy church is one where people take correction and don't respond with anger when some correction comes along; it is a grace-filled church, accepting others despite their past; they have a hunger for the Word and want more of it; they have an eagerness to serve; and the center of worship and study is Christ and Him alone," Wellman concluded.