Young Nak Offering $200,000 in Scholarships to Korean American Students

Young Nak Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles will once again be giving scholarships to Korean American undergraduate and graduate students. The scholarship program was founded on 1982 with the church's desire to raise up spiritual leaders. This year, $200,000 worth of scholarships will be given, and each recipient will be receiving an average of $1,000.

There are six different scholarship types. Most require the applicant to be a baptized member of a church recognized by the Korean Presbyterian Churches in America (KPCA) or of a church "considered to believe in the doctrines similar to those of Young Nak Presbyeterian Church of Los Angeles," and every scholarship also has more particular requirements and qualifications.

The "KYK Memorial Scholarship" is dedicated to the first senior pastor of Young Nak, Reverend Ke Yong Kim. Those who would like to apply for the KYK Memorial Scholarship must have a master's degree and be a full-time student at a fully accredited theological seminary, and must have served as part-time or full-time pastor for a minimum of two years, among other requirements. Two selected recipients for this scholarship will be receiving $7,500 each.

The "Anna Mission Group Scholarship" applicant must be a female member of the church. She must have an undergraduate degree, and must be a full-time student at a fully accredited theological seminary. Two recipients of the Anna Scholarship would receive $4,000 each. The "Seminary Scholarship" is the more general scholarship for aspiring seminarians, as anyone with an undergraduate degree and enrolled in a theological seminary can apply.

Young Nak will also be offering scholarships for students with different family circumstances, such as one for students from single-parent homes, and one for students whose parents are pastors. A general academic scholarship for undergraduate school is also offered.

The applications are due April 17, and those who are interested can visit for more detailed information on requirements, or email