During the Orthodox Easter services, a church in Ukraine was allegedly targeted by the Russian military. The attack was announced in a Telegram post on Sunday morning by Serhii Lysak, the head of the military administration for the Dnipro Oblast in Ukraine.
He stated that two people, aged 57 and 38, were hurt in the event, which happened at a temple in Nikopol. According to Lysak, this assault shows that "there is nothing sacred" to the Russian military.
Russian Forces Strike Ukrainian Church
This tragic incident has happened for about more than a year after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the "special military operation" against Ukraine in February of the previous year with the expectation of an immediate victory. According to News Week, despite the fight lasting for several months, Russian troops had trouble achieving important goals, which allowed Ukraine to retake thousands of square kilometers of territory. The eastern regions of Ukraine suffers the most for the violence taking place is harsh.
According to Lysak, a church was the target of a vicious assault over the weekend that destroyed five homes, numerous agricultural buildings, two cars, and electricity lines all around the city, in addition to the religious facility.
He swore that justice would be done and those responsible for these horrible crimes would not escape punishment. He is confident that despite the bloodshed, the Ukrainian people's unyielding spirit and strong faith would prevail over the aggressor's evil.
As Ukrainians celebrated Orthodox Easter Sunday, the attack happened. It's important to remember that most people in Ukraine, or 78% of the country's population, identify as Orthodox Christians and celebrate Easter on a different date from other Christian faiths, like Protestants and Catholics. The Orthodox Church has a separate calendar, which explains why.
Also Read:President Zelenskyy: Ukraine Asserts 'Spiritual Independence' Through Church Actions
Institute for the Study of War suggests the Russia-Kyiv Cease-fire
According to the shared article in MSN, Ukraine used the occasion to address Russia while celebrating Orthodox Easter. According to the Ukrainian Operational Command North, Ukrainian soldiers painted weapons, including grenades, in the country's colors to mimic Easter eggs.
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) suggested that Russia approach Kyiv about a cease-fire over the Easter break to avert a potential Ukrainian invasion. The American think group claimed that the Kremlin might request a cease-fire "out of respect for the Orthodox religion" despite Russia's lack of regard for religion in areas under its control. But Moscow reportedly rejected this notion, according to a Russian news agency TASS report.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, attended Easter services on Saturday at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral. According to VOA News, Putin was seen crossing himself multiple times during the Divine Liturgy, a midnight prayer. Putin and other congregation members reacted to Patriarch Kirill's announcement, saying, "Truly he has risen."
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, spoke about the festival and how it represents the victory of good, the victory of truth, and the victory of life. In his Easter message, made public on Sunday, he also highlighted the significance of Ukrainian unity in the face of Russian aggression.
He mentioned in his speech that belief in victory unites everyone, particularly on that day, and went on to state that Easter, a family holiday for Ukrainians, is a day of warmth, hope, and unity. He emphasized that as Ukrainians, they are one big family, with Ukraine being their one big home and their one big goal being victory for all.
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