Canada has stepped forward and offered to host the 2022 Winter Olympics as an alternative to Beijing after China threatened sanctions against countries who participate in boycotting them for the "ongoing genocide" against Uyghur minorities.
Barely 48 hours after China threatened to punish countries who will boycott the 2022 Beijing olympics, Canada nominated itself as China's alternative host for the Olympics.
Despite China's denial of the allegations, a press statement by U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo condemned China for its atrocities based on "available facts" that confirms it as "genocide" against Uyghur minorities, Christianity Daily reported.
"After careful examination of the available facts, I have determined that since at least March 2017, the People's Republic of China (PRC), under the direction and control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has committed crimes against humanity against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other members of ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang," Pompeo stated.
"In addition, after careful examination of the available facts, I have determined that the PRC, under the direction and control of the CCP, has committed genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang. I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state," he continued.
Green leader Annamie Paul said on Tuesday that Canada should consider nominating itself as an alternative host, possibly with the United States, of the Winter Olympics 2022 which is supposed to be held in Beijing.
Paul made the suggestion following China's "genocidal campaign" against the Uyghur Muslim minority residing in its northern Xinjiang province.
"If an ongoing genocide is not reason enough to relocate a sporting event, then my question is, what is?" Paul said during the virtual news conference with the Canadian Press on Tuesday.
"This is the kind of creative solution that Canada used to be known for and can be known for again," she added.
Thirteen MPs, half a dozen of Quebec politicians, and others signed an open letter in a plea to move the event to another venue outside China.
The letter demands the IOC move the global competition to another venue to avoid athletes "tainted" by an event legislators say would be comparable to the 1936 Berlin games under the Nazi regime, making it "The Game of Shame."
She, along with a group of other countries that condemn China's human rights violations, urged the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to find other venues and mentioned that Canada should join forces with the United States in offering to host the Winter Olympics since both countries have the necessary infrastructures and experiences needed.
According to Breitbart, several U.S. Republican Senators led a resolution just last week to move the Games last, following the U.S.' designation that China's actions in the region was "genocide" in the last days of Trump's administration.
The Biden administration, however, said that it had no intentions of stopping athletes from going to the event despite the issue.
The Winter Olympics in 2022 will be the largest yet with over 109 medals to offer and is set to begin on Feb. 4 next year.
If the 2022 Winter Olympics will continue in Beijing, the Asian country will be the first to host both Summer and Winter Games.