Persecution watchdogs call the international community's attention again to the plight of Afghan Christians, whose lives are becoming increasingly difficult with the Taliban in control.
The International Christian Concern (ICC) notes that their report came weeks after the Taliban took over Afghanistan and after American troops had withdrawn entirely.
"Prior to Taliban rule, [Christians] already had a very difficult time living out their faith," said Open Doors' Asia Field Director to Mission Network News (MNN). "They had to keep it secret from their families for fear of being shunned, or worse, killed. Now that the Taliban is in power, their vulnerability increases tenfold."
Minorities, notably Afghanistan's small and hidden Christian minority, are reportedly preparing for greater persecution.
According to one Christian leader, "some known Christians are already receiving threatening phone calls," in the days after the fall of Kabul on August 15.
Release International's spokesperson, Andrew Boyd, reports that at least one Christian has been murdered by the Taliban.
Boyd told GB News that Taliban fighters had been scanning phones to see whether any bibles have been downloaded onto the devices.
"We have a report that at least on Hazara has been killed as a result of this," he said.
ICC noted that it's preferable for known Christians to leave Afghanistan rather than "risk getting killed."
Afghanistan, according to the Taliban's ideology, is a Muslim nation, and non-Muslims must either leave or endure mistreatment. Christians descended from converts will be considered apostates and subject to Sharia law's most severe penalties.
In a related report from CBN News, U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told Fox News on Sunday that the planes were being delayed because the Taliban wanted the U.S. to declare them as the official governing authority in Afghanistan.
Newsweek reveals that over 100 Americans, along with 1,500 refugees, were denied permission to leave the country despite being aboard the aircraft ready to take off from the airport. The six private aircraft have been contracted by Christian TV personality Glenn Beck's Nazarene Fund and Mercury One.
According to an NGO source, the Taliban grounded their aircraft after a setback in negotiations with the U.S. State Department.
Meanwhile, on Afghanistan ground, the Taliban are reportedly intensifying their reign of terror, murdering and assaulting women and even torturing children.
Among those who were able to flee Afghanistan and arrive in the United States was a woman who reportedly fled at the last moment with her children. She told CBN News about the horrific conditions in her native country.
"They were killing, beating women, beating kids in front of my own eyes," she recounted. "I was seeing the same Taliban that was there 20 years ago. They didn't change. This time they are bold. They are more experienced. They have even more experience to find the people."
Women and men who have worked with the United States government for years have been left behind, with no route out of the turmoil and bloodshed that has engulfed their country.
Another non-profit group, Jewish Family Service of Seattle, is working to help with getting her family and other refugees resettled.
"It's very important to keep in mind the reason why these folks are in this situation is their service and their family's service to the U.S. military," noted Rabbi Will Berkovitz.