Sarah Mae Saliong Articles
AiG To Host ‘ChristmasTime At The Ark Encounter’ And ‘ChristmasTown At The Creation Museum’ Starting This Month
Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham teased the forthcoming ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter and ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum - Christmas-centered events and attractions that families should look forward to. Pastor John Hagee's Cornerstone Church Says It Doesn't Support 'Let's Go Brandon' Rally's Views
Cornerstone Church released a statement in response to the widely publicized "Let's Go Brandon" video and event held in its premises. Renowned Pastor Examines The Significance Of Christians ‘Going Public’ With Their Commitment To Christ
The founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX discusses why the Christian life cannot be hidden but must be plainly apparent to the public. Revivalist Asserts That 'Intercession' Is Not A 'License' To Evade Christian Duties
A bold preacher in California explains how intercession should be: active, not just another excuse to avoid reaching out to the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prominent Prophetic Leader And Best-Selling Author Discusses Biblical Prophecy's Relationship To Israel And The Middle East
While it's always important to remember that God has a purpose for the United States, it's equally important to keep in mind that other nations will one day become part of His global kingdom, Christian ministers say. ‘Blasphemous!’: Megachurch Rebuked For Singing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’
One well-known Texas church was lambasted by many Christian leaders this weekend after a chorus of "Let's Go Brandon" was chanted in protest of the Biden administration. God-Fearing Doctor: 'COVID Jabs Are Premeditated First Degree Murder And Genocide'
Renowned doctor Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD recently said in an interview that COVID vaccines are "premeditated first degree murder and genocide" Dr. David Jeremiah Explains How Socialism Fits Into Biblical Prophecy And What Christians Can Do About It
In one of his 2021 sermons, Shadow Mountain Community Church lead pastor Dr. David Jeremiah examines how communist practices and biblical prophecy are linked, as well as what God's people may do to counter them. Christian CEO Explains How God 'Saved' His Projects For Fellow Believers Despite Attacks
Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, reflects on how God has been at work in his life over the past year, preparing him for what he calls as "the most blessed Advent Season." End Times Author Says Biden Is Either 'Extremely Incompetent' Or Is Deliberately Crippling The US Economy
Michael Snyder, author of several End Times books, wrote an analytical post on the discrepancy between the acts of the current President of the United States and his claims that the economy would improve under his administration.