An American pastor is concerned about the rising culture that focuses on the destruction of children. He warned that parents are accountable to God for the lives of their kids and that they should raise them in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In his preaching last Sunday, captured by The Christian Post, John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in California, spoke about the disturbing culture today that seeks to attack children.
He titled the sermon "Providing Shade for Our Children," citing a Chinese proverb that says "one generation plants the trees, the next generation gets the shade."
"What we're facing today is fierce - I will confess - [but] of all the things that disturb me in this culture, of all the horrific, sinful, wretched, wicked, corrupt influences that go on in this culture, I think the thing that distresses me most is the war on children," MacArthur stated.
"...This culture is weaponized to destroy children. It's systematically designed to do that," he continued.
He noted that the assault on children starts from the womb with the legalization of abortion, killing millions of babies since the Roe v. Wade ruling. And if a child survives the risk of abortion, he is born into the world filled with anti-Christian teaching.
The pastor added that the child is likely to be sent to a public school influenced by "anti-God, anti-Christ [and] anti-Scripture" agenda. He also mentioned that the government itself is making regulations "that are devastating to children under the pressure of sexual freedom, homosexuality [and] transgenderism."
"The desire is to make that normal and to punish people who speak against it with laws in the category of hate speech. The lies of systemic racism and the race hustlers dominate the ideologies of universities and even churches," the pastor further said.
He also observed that even social media, entertainment industry and big tech are showing things that destroy children. These kids, he said, are defenseless against the "relentless assault by all the forces of evil."
"And we have a society and a culture that wants to make sure that those who are pumping out this destruction are free to keep doing it without restraint," he pointed out.
Moreover, he said that children are powerless against parents who "offer" [them] with gender identity options and sell them to human traffickers. They are also vulnerable to entertainment industry's promotion of transgenderism, citing Disney Corporation's creation of new transgender characters "to seduce children into accepting wickedness as normal."
The pastor highlighted that raising children in the fear of the Lord is parents' "God-given responsibility."
"God judges when one generation fails its responsibility to pass on righteousness to the next," he declared.
MacArthur warned that parents are answerable to God for the lives of their children. He added that their life commitment is to ensure that kids are influenced with the knowledge of "faith in Christ" and raise them "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."