Brian Kim Articles
  • KPCA Pacific Presbytery Gathers for Their Second Session

    The Pacific Presbytery of Korea Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA) had its second session for two days starting October 2nd at the Federal Way Mission Church. Pastor Chun Ho Song from Federal Way Mission Church preached a sermon titled, “The Societal Views of a Citizen of Heaven,” and members of the ...
  • Korean Churches of PCUSA Hold Conference and Reaffirm Leadership as Disciples of Christ

    The National Council of Korean Presbyterian Churches (NCKPC) held a vision conference for all Korean Presbyterian churches in the U.S. For the northwest region, the conference was held at the United Presbyterian Church of Seattle from September 25 to 27. The theme of the conference, “Am I A True ...
  • Pastors Encouraged to Continue in Path of Pastoring With Joy

    Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) Korean District’s extended education program started on September 22 at Herald Way New Church in Washington. Those who attended the opening service of the program included 100 Korean pastors in the U.S., and these pastors once again decided to go forward ...
  • Korean and Japanese Churches Unite in Washington for World Missions

    Korea and Japan, the ‘countries that are close, yet distant’ from each other, have become one in a passion for the gospel and for missions in a prayer meeting called “Embracing All Nations,” which took place in Washington state. The prayer meeting took place at Japanese International Baptist Church ...
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